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2013-05-29 16:00:20    益择发布
张金娜1, 2, 3, 董海燕1, 2, 3, 白志鹏1, 2, 3, 张裕芬1, 2, 3, 解以扬3, 4
( 1. 南开大学环境科学与工程学院, 天津300071; 2. 国家环境保护城市空气颗粒物污染防治重点实验室, 天津
300071; 3. 城市及区域大气环境研究联合实验室, 天津300071; 4. 天津市气象科学研究所, 天津300074)
摘要: 2005 年5 月17 日- 5 月24日在天津市大气边界层梯度观测站对大气中气溶胶粒子的数浓度进行了观测, 换算
出粒子表面积浓度和体积浓度, 分析了各自在不同粒径段的分布特征, 结果表明: 天津初夏气溶胶数浓度谱属于双峰型, 主
峰中心位于0.3 μm左右, 粒径在0.25~0.6 μm之间的粒子占总数的98.5%, 积聚模态在分配水平上占绝对优势; 表面积浓度
谱呈现我国城市3 峰特征, 体积浓度谱在0.30~0.35 μm粒径段出现一个明显的峰。并且根据气溶胶粒径分布的数浓度谱的
特征在3 个区间分别采用Junge 谱、Deirmendjian 谱的模式来拟合出天津初夏大气气溶胶粒子粒度谱分布函数表达式。
关键词: 大气气溶胶; 数浓度; 粒度谱分布; 拟合
中图分类号: X513 文献标识码: A 文章编号(K) 07088( 原1002- 1264) ( 2007) 05- 0001- 05
Char acter istics of Atmospher ic Aerosol Par ticle Size Distr ibution Dur ing Ear ly Summer in Tianjin
ZHANG Jin-na1, 2, 3, DONG Hai-yan1, 2, 3, BAI Zhi-peng1, 2, 3, ZHANG Yu-fen1, 2, 3, XIE Yi-yang3, 4
( 1. College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China; 2.
State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory of Urban Ambient Air Particulate Matter Pollution and
Control, Tianjin 300071, China; 3. Urban and Regional Atmospheric Environment Joint Laboratory, Tianjin
300071, China; 4. Tianjin Institute of Meteorology, Tianjin 300074, China)
Abstr act: The number concentrations of atmospheric aerosol particles were measured at the atmospheric
boundary vertical monitoring site in Tianjin from May 17, 2005 to May 23, 2005. The surface concentrations
and the volume concentrations were converted from the number concentrations. Analysis results of the
distribution characteristics of different size ranges indicated that the size distribution of aerosol number concentration
showed a bimodal shape with the main peak at 0.3 μm in diameter. Aerosol particles with the
diameter ranging from 0.25 to 0.6 μm took up 98.5% of the total number concentration, the accumulation
mode particles took the dominant place. Surface concentration distribution presented a trimodal shape of
Chinese cities, and the volume concentration distribution presented a clear peak from 0.30 to 0.35 μm. Finally,
the functional expression of aerosol size distribution in Tianjin during early summer could be fitted
in three intervals respectly with the models of Junge spectrum and Deirmendjian spectrum.
Key words: atmospheric aerosol; number concentration; size distribution; numerical fitting





