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“Li26400 光合作用测定仪”在葡萄上应用的商榷

2013-05-07 13:17:47    益择发布
“Li26400 光合作用测定仪”在葡萄上应用的商榷
焦旭亮, 张振文, 惠竹梅3
(西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院,陕西杨凌 712100)
摘 要: 光合作用测定在植物生理特性的研究中一直占有重要地位。目前光合速率的测定方法有氧电极法、
半叶法和二氧化碳变量法,其中二氧化碳变量法所测数据稳定,使用方便,测量准确,其仪器“Li26400 光合作
用测定仪(Li26400 portable photosynthesis system) ”得到了广泛使用。为了给实际应用提供科学依据,对其
关键词: Li26400 光合仪;光合速率;葡萄
中图分类号:S663. 1     文献标识码: A      文章编号:100421389 (2007) 0120209204
Discussion on the Appl ication of Li26400 Portable
Photosynthesis System in Grape
J IAO Xu2liang ,ZHAN G Zhen2wen and XI Zhu2mei 3
(College of Enology ,Nort hwest A & F University ,Yangling Shaanxi  712100 ,China)
Abstract : The measurement of p hoto synt hesis has always been considered very important in st udying
t he p hysiological feat ures of plant . There are currently t hree ways measuring p hotosynt hetic rate“, t he
met hod of measuring t he variation of carbon dioxide”,one of t hem , is widely used because of it s con2
venience in usage and it s stablity and acurity in data gat hered t hrough it . The used inst rument is Li2
6400 portable p hotosynthesis system. Many detail s and some issues that should be given attention to
were discussed in t his paper when t his inst rument was used to measure grape p hotosynthesis , and
some parameter s t hat are not suggested in the document s of t his inst rument were al so discussed ,
which was very practical to t hose scientific researchers and experimental operator s.
Key words : Li26400 portable p hotosynt hesis system ; Photo synt hetic rate ; Grape





